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Blog Post number 4

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Blog Post number 3

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Blog Post number 2

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This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.

Blog Post number 1

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This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.



SketchSim: Interactive Simulation of Ink Brushstrokes

Published in Workshop of Undergraduate Work (WUW) at SIBGRAPI'08, 2008

The simulation of ink and brushes, one of these instruments, is the object of study of this paper. Several techniques are discussed and implemented in an interactive artistic tool, called SketchSim. Artists have used this tool as part of a brief qualitative analysis, which is also discussed in this paper.

Recommended citation: Sultanum, N. and Melo, S.B., 2008. SketchSim: Interactive Simulation of Ink Brushstrokes. In Workshop of Undergraduate Work at SIBGRAPI’08. /files/pubs/2008-sketchsim.pdf

Touching the depths: introducing tabletop interaction to reservoir engineering

Published in ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS'10), 2010

Modern reservoir engineering is dependent on 3D visualization tools. However, tools used in this domain are not fully aligned with the reservoir engineer's interactive needs, and do not address fundamental user issues, such as collaboration. We base our work on a set of observations of reservoir engineers, and their unique interactive tasks and needs. We present insightful knowledge of the domain, and follow with a prototype for an interactive reservoir visualization system, on the Microsoft Surface.

Recommended citation: Sultanum, N., Sharlin, E., Sousa, M.C., Miranda-Filho, D.N. and Eastick, R., 2010, November. Touching the depths: introducing tabletop interaction to reservoir engineering. In ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (pp. 105-108). ACM. /files/pubs/2010-depths.pdf

Snakey: A tangible user interface for well path planning in the context of reservoir engineering

Published in Technical Report, University of Calgary., 2011

We present Snakey, a tangible user interface (TUI) designed for the field of reservoir engineering. The Snakey interface focuses on intuitive manipulation and interaction with 3D curves common to underground well path planning.

Recommended citation: Harris, J., Young, J., Sultanum, N., Lapides, P., Sharlin, E. and Costa Sousa, M., 2011. Snakey: A tangible user interface for well path planning in the context of reservoir engineering. Technical Report 2011-1003-15, University of Calgary. /files/pubs/2011-snakey-tech.pdf

Designing snakey: a tangible user interface supporting well path planning

Published in IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT'11), 2011

We present our ongoing design of Snakey, a tangible user interface (TUI) dedicated to the field of reservoir geosciences and engineering. Our design of Snakey emphasizes intuitive manipulation and interaction with 3D curves, common to underground well path exploration and planning. Snakey is not designed to replace the traditional CAD reservoir well path planning tools, but rather to augment them with tangible and collaborative interaction, facilitating spatial exploration during the multi-stage planning processes involved in well path design.

Recommended citation: Harris, J., Young, J., Sultanum, N., Lapides, P., Sharlin, E. and Sousa, M.C., 2011, September. Designing snakey: a tangible user interface supporting well path planning. In IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 45-53). Springer. /files/pubs/2011-snakey-interact.pdf

Point it, Split it, Peel it, View it: techniques for interactive reservoir visualization on tabletops

Published in ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS'11), 2011

In this paper, we present a collection of 3D reservoir visualization techniques on tabletop interfaces applied to the domain of reservoir engineering.

Recommended citation: Sultanum, N., Somanath, S., Sharlin, E. and Sousa, M.C., 2011. Point it, Split it, Peel it, View it: techniques for interactive reservoir visualization on tabletops. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (pp. 192-201). ACM. /files/pubs/2011-point-it.pdf

Seamless mixed reality tracking in tabletop reservoir engineering interaction

Published in Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI'12), 2012

In this paper we present a novel mixed reality tracking system for collaborative tabletop applications that uses decorative markers and embedded application markers to create a continuous and seamless tracking space for mobile devices. Users can view and interact with mixed reality datasets on their mobile device, such as a tablet or smartphone, from distances both far and very near to the tabletop.

Recommended citation: Lapides, P., Sultanum, N., Sharlin, E. and Sousa, M.C., 2012, May. Seamless mixed reality tracking in tabletop reservoir engineering interaction. In Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (pp. 725-728). ACM. /files/pubs/2012-seamless.pdf

Re-collision: a collision reconstruction forensics tabletop interface

Published in ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS'12), 2012

In this paper we present the design, implementation and preliminary evaluation of Re-Collision, a prototype collision reconstruction tabletop interface. Re-Collision was developed through a participatory design process involving expert users from the Calgary Police Forensics Team and Collision Reconstruction Team.

Recommended citation: Tozser, M., Sultanum, N., Sharlin, E., Rutherford, K. and Foster, C., 2012, November. Re-collision: a collision reconstruction forensics tabletop interface. In Proceedings of the 2012 ACM international conference on Interactive tabletops and surfaces (pp. 81-84). ACM. /files/pubs/2012-recollision.pdf

Navigating and annotating 3D geological outcrops through multi-touch interaction

Published in ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS'13), 2013

In this work we present our initial efforts to visually explore and annotate geological outcrops through multitouch, including a 3D navigation technique and horizon surface creation and edition.

Recommended citation: Sultanum, N., Vital Brazil, E. and Costa Sousa, M., 2013, October. Navigating and annotating 3D geological outcrops through multi-touch interaction. In Proceedings of the 2013 ACM international conference on Interactive tabletops and surfaces (pp. 345-348). ACM. /files/pubs/2013-outcrop.pdf

Watchboard: curated microblogging for the enterprise

Published in CHI'14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2014

Traditional microblogging in the enterprise is known to increase work environment awareness, but is also coupled with information overload and privacy issues. We address these challenges by introducing the concept of curated microblogging, which proposes the addition of social curation and access control to such platforms. We also present Watchboard, a prototype tool incorporating these ideas, and discuss highlights of a preliminary user study delineating crucial factors of the proposed concept.

Recommended citation: Sultanum, N., Motta, M., Cardonha, C. and Herrmann, R., 2014, April. Watchboard: curated microblogging for the enterprise. In CHI'14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 2107-2112) . ACM. /files/pubs/2014-watchboard.pdf

Cloud-based Remote Visualization of Big Data to Subsurface Exploration

Published in SPE Large Scale Computing and Big Data Challenges in Reservoir Simulation Conference and Exhibition, 2014

Since the first visualization solutions were explored for O&G, major technical improvements enabled gigabyte-sized models to be rendered and manipulated at interactive speeds.

Recommended citation: Delazari Binotto, A.P., Sultanum, N. and Cerqueira, R., 2014, September. Cloud-based Remote Visualization of Big Data to Subsurface Exploration. In SPE Large Scale Computing and Big Data Challenges in Reservoir Simulation Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers. /files/pubs/2014-cloud.pdf

Shared message boards for smart enterprises

Published in Agent Technology for Intelligent Mobile Services and Smart Societies, 2015

In this article, we describe an experiment in which a Shared Message Board technology was employed to support carpooling activities in a large company in Brazil. Based on the results extracted from the platform and from two user studies, we identified important elements influencing the adoption of this technology as well as other activities where it can be effectively used in order to promote the development of smart enterprises.

Recommended citation: Shigeno, K., Cardonha, C., Sultanum, N., Guimaraes, R.L., Molinaro, M., Herrmann, R., Borger, S. and Koch, F., 2015. Shared message boards for smart enterprises. In Agent Technology for Intelligent Mobile Services and Smart Societies (pp. 46-55). Springer. /files/pubs/2015-board.pdf

Deciding when and how to move HPC jobs to the cloud

Published in IEEE Computer, 2015

Now used for high-performance computing applications, the cloud presents a challenge for users who must decide, based on efficiency and cost-effectiveness, when and how to run jobs on cloud-based resources versus when to use on-premise clusters. The authors propose a decision-support system to help make these determinations.

Recommended citation: Netto, M.A., Cunha, R.L. and Sultanum, N., 2015. Deciding when and how to move HPC jobs to the cloud. IEEE Computer, 48(11), pp.86-89. /files/pubs/2015-deciding.pdf

Medstory: unlocking the qualitative power of medical narratives

Published in Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare (VAHC'17), 2017

Medical narratives are a qualitatively-rich component of medical records with limited visualization support. In this work we propose a text-centered approach for medical narrative visualization to better support their complexity, based on design goals derived from the literature and a formative study.

Recommended citation: Sultanum, N., P. Thaine, M. Brudno, M. Glueck, D. Wigdor, and F. Chevalier, 2017. Medstory: unlocking the qualitative power of medical narratives. In Proceedings of the 2017 Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare (VAHC). /files/pubs/2017-medstory.pdf

More Text Please! Understanding and Supporting the Use of Visualization for Clinical Text Overview

Published in Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'18), 2018

This work presents our investigation into the role and use of text in clinical practice, and reports on efforts to assess the best of both worlds—text and visualization—to facilitate clinical overview.

Recommended citation: Sultanum, N., Brudno, M., Wigdor, D. and Chevalier, F., 2018, April. More Text Please! Understanding and Supporting the Use of Visualization for Clinical Text Overview. In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (p. 422). ACM. /files/pubs/2018-more-text.pdf

Doccurate: A Curation-Based Approach for Clinical Text Visualization

Published in IEEE transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) (VAST’18), 2018

In this work we present Doccurate, a novel system embodying a curation-based approach for the visualization of large clinical text datasets. Our approach offers automation auditing and customizability to physicians while also preserving and extensively linking to the original text. We discuss findings of a formal qualitative evaluation conducted with 6 domain experts, shedding light onto physicians’ information needs, perceived strengths and limitations of automated tools, and the importance of customization while balancing efficiency. We also present use case scenarios to showcase Doccurate’s envisioned usage in practice.

Recommended citation: Sultanum, N., Singh, D., Brudno, M. and Chevalier, F., 2019. Doccurate: A Curation-Based Approach for Clinical Text Visualization. IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics (TVCG) (N. 25-1 pp. 142-151). IEEE. /files/pubs/2018-doccurate.pdf

DataQuilt: Extracting Visual Elements from Images to Craft Pictorial Visualizations

Published in Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'20), 2020

We present DataQuilt, a novel system that enables visualization authors to iteratively design pictorial visualizations as collages. Real images (e.g., paintings, photographs, sketches) act as both inspiration and as a resource of visual elements that can be mapped to data. 

Recommended citation: J. Zhang, N. Sultanum, A. Bezerianos, and F. Chevalier. 2020. DataQuilt: Extracting Visual Elements from Images to Craft Pictorial Visualizations. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '20). ACM. /files/pubs/2020-dataquilt.pdf

A Teaching Language for Building Object Detection Models

Published in Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS'20), 2020

Object detection models rely on deep networks that offer model builders limited agency over model construction, refinement and maintenance. We propose and assess an expressive teaching language for specifying object detectors which includes constructs such as concepts and relationships. We identified language building blocks and articulated design goals for creating interactive experiences in teaching object detection.

Recommended citation: Sultanum, N., Ghorashi, S., Meek, C., and Ramos, G. 2020. A Teaching Language for Building Object Detection Models. In Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’20) (pp. 1223–1234). ACM. /files/pubs/2020-pixie.pdf

Understanding and Supporting Academic Literature Review Workflows with LitSense

Published in Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI'20), 2020

This work contributes a more holistic understanding of how researchers conduct literature reviews. We followed a user-centered approach encompassing (a) a formative study on literature review practices of 15 researchers which informed (b) the design of LitSense, a proof-of-concept tool to support literature review workflows, and (c) a week-long study with 12 researchers performing a literature review with Litsense.

Recommended citation: Sultanum, N., Murad, C., and Wigdor, D. 2020. Understanding and Supporting Academic Literature Review Workflows with LitSense. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI ’20) (N. 67 pp. 1–5). ACM. /files/pubs/2020-litsense.pdf



Teaching experience 1

Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014

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Teaching experience 2

Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015

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