Watchboard: curated microblogging for the enterprise
Published in CHI'14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2014
Recommended citation: Sultanum, N., Motta, M., Cardonha, C. and Herrmann, R., 2014, April. Watchboard: curated microblogging for the enterprise. In CHI'14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 2107-2112) . ACM.
Traditional microblogging in the enterprise is known to increase work environment awareness, but is also coupled with information overload and privacy issues. We address these challenges by introducing the concept of curated microblogging, which proposes the addition of social curation and access control to such platforms. We also present Watchboard, a prototype tool incorporating these ideas, and discuss highlights of a preliminary user study delineating crucial factors of the proposed concept.