Touching the depths: introducing tabletop interaction to reservoir engineering
Published in ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS'10), 2010
Recommended citation: Sultanum, N., Sharlin, E., Sousa, M.C., Miranda-Filho, D.N. and Eastick, R., 2010, November. Touching the depths: introducing tabletop interaction to reservoir engineering. In ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (pp. 105-108). ACM.
Modern reservoir engineering is dependent on 3D visualization tools. However, tools used in this domain are not fully aligned with the reservoir engineer's interactive needs, and do not address fundamental user issues, such as collaboration. We base our work on a set of observations of reservoir engineers, and their unique interactive tasks and needs. We present insightful knowledge of the domain, and follow with a prototype for an interactive reservoir visualization system, on the Microsoft Surface.