Sultanum, N., Bezerianos, A., Chevalier, F. 2021. Text Visualization and Close Reading for Journalism with Storifier. In 2021 IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS) 2021, pp. 186-190
Sultanum, N., Chevalier, F., Bylinskii, Z., Liu Z. 2021. Leveraging Text-Chart Links to Support Authoring of Data-Driven Articles with VizFlow. In Proceedings of ACM SIGCHI 2021 (CHI’21).
Sultanum, N., Murad, C., and Wigdor, D. 2020. Understanding and Supporting Academic Literature Review Workflows with LitSense. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI ’20) (N. 67 pp. 1–5). ACM.
Sultanum, N., Ghorashi, S., Meek, C., and Ramos, G. 2020. A Teaching Language for Building Object Detection Models. In Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’20) (pp. 1223–1234). ACM.
J. Zhang, N. Sultanum, A. Bezerianos, and F. Chevalier. 2020. DataQuilt: Extracting Visual Elements from Images to Craft Pictorial Visualizations. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '20). ACM.
Sultanum, N., Singh, D., Brudno, M. and Chevalier, F., 2019. Doccurate: A Curation-Based Approach for Clinical Text Visualization. IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics (TVCG) (N. 25-1 pp. 142-151). IEEE.
Sultanum, N., Brudno, M., Wigdor, D. and Chevalier, F., 2018, April. More Text Please! Understanding and Supporting the Use of Visualization for Clinical Text Overview. In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (p. 422). ACM.
Sultanum, N., P. Thaine, M. Brudno, M. Glueck, D. Wigdor, and F. Chevalier, 2017. Medstory: unlocking the qualitative power of medical narratives. In Proceedings of the 2017 Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare (VAHC).
Netto, M.A., Cunha, R.L. and Sultanum, N., 2015. Deciding when and how to move HPC jobs to the cloud. IEEE Computer, 48(11), pp.86-89.
Shigeno, K., Cardonha, C., Sultanum, N., Guimaraes, R.L., Molinaro, M., Herrmann, R., Borger, S. and Koch, F., 2015. Shared message boards for smart enterprises. In Agent Technology for Intelligent Mobile Services and Smart Societies (pp. 46-55). Springer.
Delazari Binotto, A.P., Sultanum, N. and Cerqueira, R., 2014, September. Cloud-based Remote Visualization of Big Data to Subsurface Exploration. In SPE Large Scale Computing and Big Data Challenges in Reservoir Simulation Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Sultanum, N., Motta, M., Cardonha, C. and Herrmann, R., 2014, April. Watchboard: curated microblogging for the enterprise. In CHI'14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 2107-2112) . ACM.
Sultanum, N., Vital Brazil, E. and Costa Sousa, M., 2013, October. Navigating and annotating 3D geological outcrops through multi-touch interaction. In Proceedings of the 2013 ACM international conference on Interactive tabletops and surfaces (pp. 345-348). ACM.
Tozser, M., Sultanum, N., Sharlin, E., Rutherford, K. and Foster, C., 2012, November. Re-collision: a collision reconstruction forensics tabletop interface. In Proceedings of the 2012 ACM international conference on Interactive tabletops and surfaces (pp. 81-84). ACM.
Lapides, P., Sultanum, N., Sharlin, E. and Sousa, M.C., 2012, May. Seamless mixed reality tracking in tabletop reservoir engineering interaction. In Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (pp. 725-728). ACM.
Sultanum, N., Somanath, S., Sharlin, E. and Sousa, M.C., 2011. Point it, Split it, Peel it, View it: techniques for interactive reservoir visualization on tabletops. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (pp. 192-201). ACM.
Harris, J., Young, J., Sultanum, N., Lapides, P., Sharlin, E. and Sousa, M.C., 2011, September. Designing snakey: a tangible user interface supporting well path planning. In IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 45-53). Springer.
Harris, J., Young, J., Sultanum, N., Lapides, P., Sharlin, E. and Costa Sousa, M., 2011. Snakey: A tangible user interface for well path planning in the context of reservoir engineering. Technical Report 2011-1003-15, University of Calgary.
Sultanum, N., Sharlin, E., Sousa, M.C., Miranda-Filho, D.N. and Eastick, R., 2010, November. Touching the depths: introducing tabletop interaction to reservoir engineering. In ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (pp. 105-108). ACM.